Contributing author to Gifts : Chapter 8

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Gifts : Mothers Reflect on How Children with Down Syndrome Enrich Their Lives

The Gifts Outreach program provides complimentary copies of Gifts to organizations which serve parents facing a new diagnosis of Down syndrome for their child, either prenatally or postnatally. We believe that the stories in the book provide a vital companionship and support for such parents.

2008 National Parenting Publications Awards (NAPPA): Gold Award

2008 Mom's Choice Awards: Silver Recipient, Special & Exceptional Needs

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Monday, November 10, 2008

The Holidays are coming, the Holidays are coming!

What a wonderful, full weekend we had! The weather is turning chilly, ok, cold. Leaves are falling and much winterizing needs to be done around our almost 2 acres. But what did we do all weekend? Have fun!

Nash had all "green" cards at school (I think...several days were skipped with notes last week so I would ask Nash how his day went, and he responded he got a green card (no behavior issues) so I went with it!) so he was able to invite a friend to the opening of Madegascar 2. We picked up his chosen buddy from his class at his home, and headed to lunch at Chick-Fil-A (where did you notice the chicken nuggets have shrunk to thumb-nail size? What's up with that?), then to the movie. Eating lunch of course did not detour these boys from wanting candy and popcorn, and who could blame them (or me!). So we watched previews (Marley and Me looks like one fantastic to read the book and get my tears out beforehand is a must) and many great movies for kids/family are coming up for the holidays. The movie was pretty good; the first 45 minutes topped the rest of the movie but could be because the theater started warming up and I was ready to get some fresh air....many adult-themed one-liners but I think that is what many good family movies have so all enjoy it- Gotta love the penguins, and the monkeys were awesome too! No F-bombs are a plus always :)

Nash's grandma and grandpa came down Saturday late afternoon as grandpa had a heart check up at St. Vincent on Monday morning, so we took the opportunity to blast out for a date night! We used a gift certificate given to us last Christmas at Z's Oyster Bar & Steakhouse and enjoyed the time out together. Oysters, cocktails, scallops, wonderful wedge salad. Yum! While I enjoyed the dinner, I do have to say I am becoming a bit cynical about eating out lately. Service seems mediocre, prices are over the top, and let's just say Red Lobster is rising to the top of my favorite dining pleasures lately!

On Sunday I cooked a big breakfast and we lazed around watching movies. Nash and I headed outside for a bit as I do love to work the leaves, blow, clean up and ready for winter. I cleaned out leaves from the fish pond, warmed up the hot tub a degree or two, and took some dead foliage from the flower bed. Nash and Seger got to rough and tumble a bit Sunday as spits of snow came from above. While I love seasons, I can say that the snow/cold is not settling as well with us these years! Arthur Itis is becoming an uninvited guest in the thumbs and shoulders...and yes, it would help if I got my aging bod in exercise mode; both for weight loss and stretching those oh so aging muscles/tendons!

As I have many looming deadlines at work in the next couple of weeks with many appellate briefs due, I wanted to go with the gang so we headed out to the new outdoor mall. Santa's workshop was in place already. Ice sculptures are out. My favorite was shopping with my mother in law at Coldwater Creek! Great sale, and as my dad used to say, I saved LOTS of money! I am finally realizing I might never fit back into my size 10. Sigh.

So, peeps, if you don't "see" me in the next few weeks, I am pounding away at the keyboard.........working weekends until Thanksgiving! I got Big Dawg and Nash tickets to the Notre Dame/Syracuse game Nov. 22nd, so Nash will have his first ND experience. I will have to miss it but know they will have fun. Then we are having a Thanksgiving blow out at our house; all of Jeff's family will be here; Nash's cousins, aunt Jodie and family, etc along with six dogs, whoo hee! Hopefully some on my side will come too.

Question to you all. Do you have family issues with the holidays ie have to have one side of the family over and have to attend a gathering for the "other" side too, or can everyone co-exist and celebrate together?

How do your Holidays work at your house?


AZ Chapman said...

My dad went to Noterdame If I visit it soon I will let y know. Come visit me sometime I have a post y have see about after school inclusive activists or lack of in my town.

AZ Chapman said...

just saw the preview of marly and me can't wait to see it. The Secret Life of bees is also out. I am off to read the book( no school tomorrow yeah

Lisa said...

I grew up with families completly co-existing. My dad's mom and my aunt's (mom's sister) MIL were best friends...yeah it will take a minute to process. Both parents only have one sibling. So we all ALWAYS spent every holiday together and I have many wonderful memories and never thought about how it didn't work that way in other families until I got married and joined the drama family ;) We have had a few holidays here with everyone but generally now it is understood that it is okay to alternate holidays and that is the more likely scenario. Good Luck with everything...let us know how it goes!!

Betsy said...


You of all people MUST read Marley & Me!! You'll absolutely adore it before you go see the movie - the book is always somehow better.