Contributing author to Gifts : Chapter 8

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Gifts : Mothers Reflect on How Children with Down Syndrome Enrich Their Lives

The Gifts Outreach program provides complimentary copies of Gifts to organizations which serve parents facing a new diagnosis of Down syndrome for their child, either prenatally or postnatally. We believe that the stories in the book provide a vital companionship and support for such parents.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Life BN

We occasionally refer to stories or events as "BN", which is "Before Nash". Not because he has Tri21, but because he is our first and now, only child. Forever BN it is. You don't have to have a child that might fit into one of those special categories to understand this; you just have to have, a child. You know, no more just taking off on the Harley when you feel like it without thoughts of wills, trusts and babysitters. But that is what we signed up for BN. It just took us about 3 years to realize it.

I sold my Harley, a wonderful 1200 XLC Custom (my third bike) right after Nash was born, 2 months AN. On Ebay. Yes, that's right, it was an impromptu listing, at an amazing price, and it went to a fun, toy-boy sort from Ohio. My 1200 Custom loaded on his trailer along with the waverunner he bought the same week. The tears flowed. But I think Nash was crying at the moment and mine just ran with his. I dunno. I do think he felt my pain.

Then, we moved and Jeff's amazing RoadKing was the only bike left......and it rarely left the garage despite my encouragement for him to go, leave me, and Nash, abandoned and alone at the house........flee, have fun. Yet he didn't ride. I just don't understand why? Sure we went out a couple times in 2002, and I think once in 2003. Again, the issue of trusts, wills, and just latent responsibility rang true; not the beer that used to flow.

So the Road King sold, and in its place we have a Suburban. We are now one of "them", but hey, we still have a "Mauzy" in the house, maybe three of us. We love it. But, in the springtime when the Harleys roar past, we say, someday. With a sidecar!

Nash at 25 months with Daddy's RoadKing

I want my own ride!


Jan Steck Huffman said...

Well thanks to your blog, I now know I have been remiss in my blog etiquette. ahem.

Oh emily elizabeth, Before Time was such a wonderful time as was BN. I do miss it sometimes.......want to sit so we can rent a Harley- or better yet, go to a movie?

Monica said...

Jan, I so know what you mean in regards to BN time and how it has nothing to do with Down syndrome and everything to do with becoming a parent for the first time. I hear you babe! Nash is way too cute sitting on the bike... he has grown so much :).

Jan Steck Huffman said...

I remember window shopping and going to Eagle Creek Park to swim the dogs

Leah Spring said...

Oh man! I hear you! Both my husband and I ride. My daughter Angela just turned 11, and we're finally working on the whole sidecar thing. Actually, I hadn't thought about it for quite some time until my husband finally said, "Honey. Get her on the bike already!" He meant ride behind, but..umm...I'm just not ready! I would never be able to watch! LOL So we're on the quest for a sidecar. And, well, FUNDING for a sidecar! LOL

You WILL ride again. I bet you're just about there! I'm sure Nash is old enough now for a sidecar. Have a look at my montage, you might see some pictures in there you'll like! (bike related)