One thing about having a child with Down syndrome is that you meet wonderful people from all over the world, via the internet. One special family lives in Kentucky, and we all just loved them all- 4 girls, one with Tri21 that is a year older than Nash. Recently they visited our home along with two other wonderful families that have children with Ds, and we loved having all of them. Pool action and cooking out....just like summer should be.
After they left, Nash began asking to "play at Tarenne's house" the 5 year old girl with Ds. It's difficult to explain to Nash, or any 4 year old I would think, that their friend lives in another state, too far to just go to their house when that child was just at our house. So, he continues to ask to "play Tarenne's house".
Last Friday, our DADS (Dads Appreciating Down Syndrome) gang had a day at the Indy zoo, behind the scenes Elephant baths and such. Many DADS and kids and so fun, but after the action Jeff asks Nash, what do you want to do? 'I play Tarenne's house'.
Then, I got pictures from my Kodak online ordering because no way do I think I can print out pics from our printer within this millennium and Nash yells out all the names, Maren, Carol, Shannon, Hannah, Audrey, NIcole (he accelerates her first syllable) Audrey, Maddi, etc......but.....Darrah came up and he shucked his head aside and said.........Darrah........ Big smiles... so just like Nash's TKE dad, better batten down those hatches.
Joe, Tarenne's Daddy, better save those pennies- there may just be a KY wedding in the cards someday with one of those adorable gals you have.
Although there is a little girl in New Jersey who thinks that Nash is one find dude! lol!
Man I wish I could have joined you all,,,,,next time.
Hey... There is a little boy in Canada that is thinking that the little girl in New Jersey shouldn't be looking at other little boys ;). Tee hee!
And in this corner, is an adorable New Jawwwwwwsy gal named ES. And in this corner, are the four KY gals, with Ms. T holding court, and in the other corners are Prince Mikey and the Tate man.
I think even Tyson would leave at this point.
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