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October is Down syndrome Awareness month!
This month local Buddy Walks Spread Message of Acceptance and Inclusion
Down Syndrome Awareness Month provides a forum for dispelling stereotypes, providing accurate information, and raising awareness of the potential of individuals with Down syndrome. Advancements in education, research and advocacy have had a tremendous impact on the opportunities that individuals with Down syndrome have to live healthy and fulfilling lives. Today, many people with Down syndrome:
Attend neighborhood schools and learn in typical classes alongside their peers without disabilities.
Graduate from high school and go to college.
Comprise a vibrant part of the American workforce.
Actively participate in the social and recreational aspects of their communities.
Live independently, make their own choices, and advocate for their rights.
The Down syndrome community has been celebrating Down Syndrome Awareness Month each October since 1981. The Buddy Walk was created by NDSS in 1995 to provide its affiliates and other local groups with a way to promote acceptance and inclusion of individuals with Down syndrome in their communities. The Buddy Walk also raises funds for local and national programs and services to benefit individuals with Down syndrome and their families.
In appeciation for Down syndrome Awareness month, I am joining the 31 for 21! Blogging for 31 days straight for Down syndrome awareness...join me!
I think I can, I think I can....
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